Monday, January 26, 2009

What is Perfect Anyway?

Here's a news flash. We're not perfect! This has always been a sore spot for me. I want my children , and Doug and I for that matter, to live truly authentic lives, but it seem that every time I turn around, we are being criticized for one thing or another. I don't feel that most of these are blatant attacks, but more or less ramblings that people say out of lack of real things to discuss. We all know how easy it can be to chit chat about someone in a not so polite fashion. Unfortunately, it's something most of us do, but often regret later.
So here it is...
Our house is not clean. In fact it's quite apparently lived in year round, day in, day out. Projects clutter our counters, dinosaurs and Dora find homes under our couches, our clothes often come from laundry baskets instead of drawers. Sparkle (our ferret) roams free because everyone feels bad that her sister died and she is all alone. Our walls adorn artwork from random crayons left out for small hands to discover with and glued on pictures that we did not have the heart to remove after Talia so delicately mounted.
When we had just 4 children, they were always properly dressed for the occasion, whatever it may be. Clothes matched, shoes were the correct color and style, and hair was done just the way it ought to be. But as we had more kids and leaned further and further into unschooling, we let go of many preconceived notions of how things have to be and just flow with what is. Our focus is on our children's ability to think freely and be happy. I will admit that Doug is better at this than I. Each Friday he joyfully ventures to the dollar store, kids leading. More often than not, the boys are dressed as superheroes or wearing mismatched clothes because each piece has to be "cool". The little girls as usually in princess gowns or leotards, or at least a dress or shaker (their word for skirt). Sometimes we quickly wash things in the sink and dry them with a hair dryer for Anja who has yet to understand why wearing a princess Dora gown that is wet because of a diaper leak is not acceptable. We don't change our kids the minute their clothes get a spot on them, and we do not force our little brown princes Moni to sit for hours while her hair gets braided with beads and uncomfortable clips if she chooses not to.
Along with thinking freely, comes speaking freely. We often discuss with our children things to avoid saying openly to others. So often though, I wish I had a rewind or mute button like in The Upside Down Show. To kids, not much is off limits. They don't swear and they use their manners because those are things that are modeled for them, but they occasionally ask questions or make observations I wish I could take back. Definitely not your wallflower types.
And last but not least (I'm sure I'm overlooking many of our other faults) there are a lot of us. We have quite the tendency to arrive with energy levels and enthusiasm up. Not to mention some of us have yet to master volume control. We have 2 adults, 5 girls, 5 boys, and a grandson. And when we're lucky we get to claim a granddaughter as well. It's not easy for us to blend in. We are fortunate enough to have some really wonderful friends who are not scared away by this, but for some, we're probably more than they can handle. And while this has deterred us from some situations, it has also brought us many great experiences. Our family size is a great conversation starter and we have met many wonderful and interesting people due this fact alone.
I guess what I'm trying to say in all this rambling, is, it can be hurtful when people judge us. We are happy. I know we have things that appear as faults to some, but it's who we are. Either accept us as is, or let us be; and I will try my hardest to give you the same respect.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

About time!!

Well, I've procrastinated long enough. Time to officially start this blog. I only have a few minutes, but I'll do my best to convey somewhat of a full thought. I read other peoples blogs and they fascinate me, seeing all the wonderful things they're up to. But here's the thing; we are are pretty fascinating too. I just don't have the discipline to regularly post about it. My family is energetic from sunrise to sunset and beyond and I do my best to keep up with them. I'll let you in on a few of our adventures in the days to come, but for now, I'm finally off to bed.